Under My Hijab by Hena Khan - Book Guide
Hijab (pronounced hee-jaab) - a headscarf worn by Muslim women that covers their hair, and often their ears, necks, and chests
Studio - the workroom of an artist
Black belt - a black cloth waistband earned by a participant in one of the martial arts, such as judo or karate, to indicate a degree of expertise of the highest rank.
Conversation Starters: Use the following questions to start a conversation with your child about the book and some of the new things they learn while reading. These questions are designed to start and guide conversation between parents and children, as well as help young readers think critically, better understand the book’s content, and make meaningful connections to their own lives.
Before reading:
Do you know what a hijab is? Have you seen a hijab before?
What kinds of clothing do you like to wear?
What activities do you like to do with your family and friends? Why?
Are there any objects or articles of clothing that are important to you or your cultural traditions? How do they make you feel?
Who do you look up to in your family or friend group? What do they do that inspires you?
After reading:
After reading the book, what do you think is the significance of the title Under My Hijab? Do you know when and where the hijab is worn or not worn? How did you figure that out?
How does the end of the story reflect the girl’s journey during the book? What does wearing a hijab mean to her?
How did this story connect to your life? What moments did you identify with? Why?
Additional Resources
Video interview with 3 Muslim children discussing why they wear a Hijab and what it means to them:
Want to hear Under My Hijab read aloud? Link here:
Is there a specific article of clothing or object that is important to you? How does it make you feel? How does it relate or connect to your culture or traditions that you have?
Create a drawing or piece of artwork representing your favorite piece of clothing or object and its emotional meaning. If possible, take a picture of your child’s artwork and post it to our Looking Glass Books Facebook group. We hope this will encourage our community to interact and engage with one another!
Create a portrait of a person who is your personal role model through drawing, collage, or photographs. In writing, describe what actions and qualities you admire about this person. How does this person inspire you?